
It was great to complete murals at Amberley District State School recently. I was met by a real good bunch of students and staff who's energy and positivity is second to none. It was also great to again be in the position where I have worked on numerous projects with the principal at their previous posting.

There's more art in the pipeline so it will be great to continue splashing some more paint around. keep tuned for fresh work in the near future.

Amberley District State School - The Sauce Studio

Amberley District State School - The Sauce Studio


It was a pleasure to complete several murals at Churchill State School. I was provided a brief for each site with the vision of transforming numerous dull areas into vibrant spaces. The mural designs incorporated the school motto, sports houses (Red Leopards, Green Cobras and Blue Foxes) and the Churchill Champions to encourage positive behaviour. As a contractor schools are great to work with for a multitude of reasons and Churchill is no exception. Thanks to all who made this project happen, making me feel welcome and trusting my expertise.
